I’ve added some new items to the collection, and I’ve gotten rid of one item. The item I’ve gotten rid of is the Leaf Aptus-II 12R. The digital back was really excellent, and a very special one, however I plan on adding a P45+ to the lineup for the Hasselblad equipment, and so I sold this digital back in preparation for acquiring that one. This decision was made because I feel as though there really isn’t any competition for the IQ180 in the 80MP range, and I think that the color accuracy, and overall range of the files for the IQ180 is superior.
The P25 will remain for the time being, but I may sell it in the future when I do actually acquire the P45+. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about the P45+, and if it offers the same tonality as the P25, but in higher resolution, then I’m extremely excited to add it to the collection for the Hasselblad cameras.
I’ve added the following equipment to the roster:
- Hasselblad 2000 FC/M
- Hasselblad 80mm F2.8
- Hasselblad 110mm F2
- Hasselblad 150mm F2.8
- Pentax 6×7 90mm F2.8
- Pentax 6×7 75mm F2.8
- Angénieux 6-80mm F1.2 (S8)
- Fujinon HE20-1 x2 Extender
- Fujifilm Rensha Cardia Byu-N 16
- Canon 5D MkIV
- Sigma 40mm F1.4 DG HSM A (Canon EF-mount)
- Kapture Group One-Shot Cable (P1 8-pin version)
- Hasselblad A12 magazines
- Hasselblad A24 magazine
I’ve added a lot of medium format equipment! I’ll go in order down the list for reasons why and whatnot. I added the 2000 FC/M, because of the stellar ‘F’ lens lineup and I wanted to give people the chance to shoot the lenses natively (although we do have an adapter that allows you to shoot the ‘F’ lenses on the Contax 645 body as well). I will eventually modify this body and the 500C/M to allow shooting digital backs on it without the need of a cable. The 2000FC/M kit will come with a PME3 viewfinder, however it can be switched to a waist-level finder if you’d like.
I’ve also added two new Pentax 6×7 lenses! The 90mm F2.8, and the 75mm F2.8. Both excellent lenses, and the 75mm is quite rare. Just as with the Hasselblad F lenses, I’ve procured the lenses before getting a film body to shoot on, however I do have a Pentax 6×7 —> Contax 645 lens adapter so that you can shoot these lenses either digitally on the IQ180, or on film using C645 body. In addition to that, I have added Hasselblad magazines to the roster as well. I had studio photographers and wedding photographers in mind with these additions. The extra magazines are helpful for wedding photographers who use Hasselblad V systems, and want pre-loaded film to save time when shooting. There are a total of four A12 magazines available now, and one A16 and A24 (the A16 isn’t listed, just let me know if you want it when you rent a Hasselblad and I’ll throw it in with your kit… it’s pretty beat up so I’m not going to list it with the others). With these additions, and the Canon 5D MkIV, I’m confident that we can put together a nice kit for any wedding photographer looking to do either a styled editorial shoot, or wedding coverage.
The Kapture Group cable is for technical camera users who want to use the IQ180 on a non-native camera. It is very hard to come across these days. The 6-80 Angie is a S8 C-mount lens, but I know that there are shooters out there that enjoy using S8 glass on S16 for a dreamy/soft look, so I purchased an extender. It will be available as an add-on with this lens, and any future S8 C-mount lenses on the site. I also added the Fujifilm Rensha, just because it’s dope and I love it.
Future procurement plans (in no particular order):
- Pentax 6×7 body (not sure which one yet)
- Hasselblad 2000 FC/W
- Sigma fp or fp L
- Leica M3
- Leica Monochrome (the CCD version, obviously)
- Phase One P45+ (for Hasselblad V-mount cameras)
- Leica Leicina Special S8 camera (already purchased)
- Mamiya 7ii kit
- Nikon Coolscan 9000 (for future film scanning service)
- Leica CM (40mm version)
If you have any particular items you feel would be a good addition to the roster, please leave a message below to let me know. Wedding photographers, you can use the code OPTIMIZED to receive a 10% discount on all gear rented.